Inspired courses
from Bridget Cook-Burch
New york times & wall street journal
bestselling author & mentor
All courses are included in our "Write Your Book" Memberships
We've created a robust library of courses that address every major aspect of developing and writing your book.
They include best practices, tips, and tools to develop you into a confident author that is proud to share your story with the world.


The Hero's Journey: The Inspired Guide to Writing Epic Nonfiction​​
The complete guide to constructing your story-arc.
How to identify what to keep and what to cut.
Teaches the formula for great storytelling, possibly re-outlining or rewriting your book to make it irresistible to readers & producers.
This framework is so powerful, Bridget has been invited to teach it annually at a prestigious Authors-Publishers conference hosted by a top-tier university.
Rated as a conference favorite and a "Must See" by conference attendees.
Full color pdf workbook.
Video Length: 45 minutes.

​WriteJUICY!: The Masterbrain Course to Outline Your Book
Teaches you how to use both sides of your brain in order to avoid taking your readers through destructive time warps that make them put your book down.
Craft a "show me" story versus a "tell me" story.
Outline a well-constructed story that finally brings sense to your tangents (or helps you realize when to remove them) and fills in the story holes.
Useful for all genres: Memoirs, Auto-biographies, Biographies, How-To books, Thought-Leadership, motivational, and self-help. Highly recommended for fiction books!
Six video segments filled with clear instruction and multiple examples.
Full-color pdf workbooks and expandable timeline templates.
Video length: Approximately 2 hours.

Your Soul Purpose in Words​
A multi-part program to release, renew, and create your own EPIC life in the next 12 months.
Includes extensive goal-setting and achieving exercises.
Bridget is a Certified Ideal Life Vision Program facilitator.​
Full color pdf workbook.
Video length: 90 minutes.

7 Secrets to Your Soul Story​​
What do prolific and successful authors know that helps them produce multiple bestselling books? These 7 Secrets to writing and publishing success will give you the critical foundation as you write or rewrite your book.
Full color pdf workbook.
Video length: 60 minutes
Handling & Healing The Skeletons In The Family Closet​
An Empowering Course For Nonfiction Writers.
Learn how to let courage and unconditional love guide the way to extraordinary healing for your family and loved ones.
Embrace colorful stories and revel in the flavor of your family history.
How to decide to include or preclude specific details (e.g. changing names).
Reconcile shame, overcome fear, and prevent anxiety for your relatives.
Gain skills that empower your whole family, even save lives.
Addresses legal implications.
Full color pdf workbook.
Video length: 50 minutes.

AuthorUNLEASHED: Crushing Your Fear​​
After working with hundreds of writers, and writing 5 best-sellers myself, I have discovered that there are 5 key fears that keep us from becoming published authors.
Together, we're going to explore these fears and what you can do right now to move past them. Don't let these fears stand in your way!
Full-color pdf workbook.
Video length: 40 minutes.
AuthorUNLEASHED: Going Pro​​
Customized for authors who are contemplating how to publish their book. Navigate the complex world of taking your work from hobby level to professional--from being a writer who dabbles to publishing successfully.
Includes: critical permission to tap into your own passion and message, vital tips into the world of publishing, and powerful insights into using your own story to mesmerize audiences and readers, leaving them inspired and empowered.
Full-color pdf workbook.
Video length: 1 hour 20 minutes.