legacy publications

Legacy Publications helps ensure that your legacy continues to have an impact for generations.
Here are your next steps:
1. Review the publishing package options.
2. Email Bridget@YourInspiredStory.com to request a contract.
We will walk you through each critical step in the process, from idea to draft to publication. Let's bring your story to the written page and ensure it leaves an impact on those who need your inspiration the most!
legacy publication inclusions
Two (2) 60-minute strategy calls with the Inspired Legacy Publishing Team*
1. Fine tune your book vision, title, and cover design.
2. Discuss your book outline, chapter titles, and content for each chapter.
Monthly coaching calls with the Inspired Legacy Publishing Team to support you and keep you on track in creating your manuscript.
Cover Creation and Marketing Graphics for social media and print.
On staff editors will review your book from a content and reader perspective.
Complete formatting and editing for Kindle and print.
Kindle and Print Versions
Global Distribution of Your Print Book to over 40,000 retailers and libraries including Amazon, Apple, Books.A.Million, and Barnes & Noble Online Stores
Thirty-second Animated Video to use during your powerful Best Selling Launch.
LEAVE A legacy.